Elliott Murphy Barcelona

Pamplona 88, 08018, Barcelona
Razzmatazz 2
Neverland Concerts
Elliott Murphy
Elliott Murphy Barcelona
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Elliott Murphy returns to Barcelona to seduce the Razzmatazz 2 hall with his poetic rock! Elliott has lived in Paris for over 30 years as an expat New Yorker. With more than 50 years of musical career and more than 35 albums published, still performs in concerts throughout Europe, as well as in the United States and Japan, and is a prolific author of fiction.

He is, without a doubt, one of the most extraordinary characters in the history of rock. He is considered by many to be one of the most passionate, educated and intelligent songwriters in rock. His fans in the music business are legion, including R.E.M.’s Peter Buck, Lou Reed, Tom Petty, John Mellencamp and Elvis Costello.

Since 1973 he has released dozens of albums, to an impressive critical response. From his celebrated debut ‘Aquashow’ (of which ‘Rolling Stone’ magazine wrote: “Elliott Murphy and his work will be with us as long as rock and roll lives on”) to his latest work ‘Wonder’ he shows a genuine style all his own.

His poetic imagery, his mastery of storytelling and his introspective lyrics have earned him a cult following in America and true stardom in Europe.

Special mention for his inseparable squire and guitarist Olivier Durand, quite a live show. Some fans have seen him levitate during some of his amazing solos. “The Big O” says the legend…

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