
Marillion is a rock group created in 1979 in Aylesbury (England). They were the leaders of the neoprogressive of the 80s, a new wave of progressive rock, heir to the classic progressive rock of the previous decade with bands like Genesis, Pink Floyd, Yes, King Crimson, etc. They released their first album in 1982 and already have twenty! Marillion has always opted not to stagnate, not to repeat itself and to evolve with each album. Few bands with a 45-year history can claim to have their last two albums among the most acclaimed by their fans and critics. They also stand out for being the inventors of “crowdfunding” in 2000, when they asked their fans to pay for the new album they were going to record a year before its release. More than 12,000 fans supported the campaign, allowing the band to have enough funds to record the album and in return to own their music.

For many a cult band, they continue to tour internationally disc after disc with a very powerful live performance that is a reference in the genre. Despite the unpopularity it has always had with the mainstream media and a consistently old-fashioned status within the music industry, Marillion has maintained a fiercely loyal international fan base.

Marillion is used to fighting preconceived notions. They are not what you think. Whatever your preconceived notions about this band are, there’s a good chance they’re not true.

Marillion is made up of:
-Steve Hogarth: voice
-Steve Rothery: guitar
-Mark Kelly: keyboards
-Pete Trewavas: bass
-Ian Mosley: drums


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